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  • Writer's pictureaprilnewlyme

My Morning Routine

In my opinion, the mornings are the hardest part of the day. I've never been a morning person. I remember as a child I gave my mom the hardest time when she would try to get me up for school. It’s especially harder for me in the fall and winter months when the mornings are particularly colder weather. Picture it, I’m all comfy and warm in my bed and I have to get from under the covers and start adulting. In the cold none the less. It blows most mornings. 1lets me be honest it blows every morning. I could honestly stay in bed all day in a perfect world. In our home in California our AC/heating unit had a daily timer so every day around 5;30 am in the winter (yes it got a little chilly in the wintertime in California)I would set the heater to come on. We could also control the AC/heater with our iPhones. God, I miss the luxury of California smart homes. Besides dealing with what feels like freezing temperatures here in Colorado I’m a complete zombie before 10 am y’all. If I don’t wake up with a plan and goal nothing going to get going until after 10 am and that just won't cut it. I know I told y’all I wasn’t a morning person with that being said I’m the most productive in the morning. Go figure right? Makes no sense right? I’m the type to get things over with so does speak. Gotta hit the ground running. Generally, I’m a person that enjoys and functions better with a set routine. In the past when I would start off late mid-morning or afternoon nothing would get finished and I find myself working on things into the late afternoon or evening. That would cut into the time I would have with my wife. Big red flag. I had to do better. So, about a year ago I started a morning routine. I have perfected it since moving to Colorado. When I know exactly what needs to get done, what needs to happen more often than not it get executed. So, here’s my Monday – Friday morning routine.

6:30 am

The alarm on my phone goes off. I without thinking I lean over & turn my space little heater on. Last week we dropped to a whole 7 degrees overnight. Pray for me. I then kinda just lay there until the bedroom gets a little warmer, which takes about six minutes tops. By this time my wife will then normally start waking up. She will then either head to take a shower or she’s getting ready for the gym. Either way that’s my queue to get up & start making her lunch to take to work. After that, I will automatically take out any meat/protein that needs defrosting for dinner. I swear if I don’t do it right then and there I will totally forget to do it at all. If we’re having leftovers meaning I don’t have to cook that night I’ll tidy up the pantry. The pantry always needs tidying up. Then it’s time to head over to the dishwasher & unload it. Once that’s done my wife like clockwork is picking up her lunch & then we say our goodbyes. Then it's coffee time. I will make my cup & sit or lay in bed until I finish. I site or lay directly in front of the space heater.

7:10 am

Now I’m warm. So now I’m opening the blinds in the entryway, living room, my office, as well as our bedroom. I love having natural light. It really wakes me up. Then I will make a trip to the restroom, brush my teeth, wash my face, all that good old stuff. Then, now this is a most for me, I make our bed. I feel like if our bed is made all is right in my world. Truthfully y’all if I don’t make the bed I’ll get right back in it. It's too tempting for me. Then I throw on some “house clothes”. Now, these are not pajamas, but I would not really wear these clothes outside. They find for taking out the trash or checking the mailbox but that’s about as much action as they’re gonna get. If it were Monday or Wednesday, I would make sure my YouTube video posted. I would then promote that same video on my other Social media platforms via my iPhone. On this day I just cruised social media & responded to some things.


Now it’s time to do some housework. Oh, what joy (sarcasm at its best). I will put on my headphone & find a playlist on my Pandora & get to work. I honestly make whatever chore I have to get done much more enjoyable. It also makes the time it takes to go by much faster. I have a chore schedule so depending on the day there’s no telling what I’m doing. Stay tuned for that blog post coming soon. I find that if hit the ground running when it comes to cleaning things get done. I have to start cleaning in the morning or else it doesn't get done. I know my level of laziness people. I hate cleaning so I like to get it over with as soon as possible. On this particular day, Tuesday I clean our master bedroom.

Cleaning Master Bedroom:

1. Whip down window & window seal

2. Whip down TV stand

3. Whip down foot & headboard

4. Whip down our floor fans & space heater (avoid dust buildup)

5. Dust off the flat screen

6. Sanitize door nob’s (bleach or Lysol whip)

7. Change bedding (making the bed with new sheet)

8. Put old bedding in the washer

9. Re-organize clothes in the closet

10. Separate dirty clothes (whites, denim, darks, brights, delicates)

11. Vacuum Bedroom floor & closet floor

12. Taking any trash from the room out to the trash can.

8:00 am

I will do one or two things off my running “To Do List”. The “To Do List” consist of things I have to get done by the current week. There’s no particular due date just as long as it gets done in the current week. This could be calling about a bill, calling our insurance company, clearing off a shelf, etc. It really dose very but I try to knock out things on the list that can be done from home and that are quick like phone calls or emails. Anything the consist of me leaving the house that’s normally done on Thursday or Friday on my lighter cleaning days.

8:30 am Time to eat some breakfast. By this time of the day, I’m starving. I’m beyond ready to eat something. On this morning I’m having a peace of breakfast casserole with a side of avocado. So good! Also, on a cold day, it's nice to have a good hot meal. And I know what your thinking and to answer your question no I didn’t cook and entire casserole this morning. I cooked it ahead of time on Sunday. I like to meal prep some meals suck as my breakfast, snacks & lunches. It makes it so quick & easy to eat a good meal thought the week. It also keeps me away from eating fast food. Another upside usually I’m not making a mess in my kitchen. Always a major plus. While eating breakfast I check on the engagement group I moderate for “ Melanin Moms & Wifes of YouTube. I’ll as well as the other engagement groups I belong too.

9:00 am

Now a few months ago I had a side hustle where I earned an income. This is normally the time when I would start working for a few hours part-time. The side hustle assignment ended about a month ago so until a start a new one I’ve been just jumping right into my other work. Mondays & Tuesdays are my YouTube focus day. I will start editing some YouTube videos. In this time frame, I try to get at least one in a half to two videos edited. As well as the videos thumbnail, tags, links, end screen, and each video’s description box.

11:00 am

Hungry again! It’s time for my morning snack. On this morning I had some organic apple slicks & cubed cheese. Very good & will definitely tide me over until lunchtime. I also take this time to give my eyes a little rest form the computer.

11:15 am

Since we’re still unpacking I’ll unpack one to two boxes. As well as put away whatever in the box. Unpacking is easy finding a new home for everything is that hard part. Especially moving from a house to an apartment. And yes you read that right we’re still unpacking don’t judge our life. Literary took forever for the movers to bring our stuff. Then I’ll start working on my first draft of a blog. This consists of not only writing but also gathering any artwork or pictures needed for the blog. I’ll work on the blog until lunchtime which for me is noon.

When I stick to my morning routine things really get done. I’ve noticed how I’m really productive. My home also stays clean. Things look and feel better. Now this works for me. Maybe you have kids. Maybe you have a fulltime job. Your morning routine may be shorter, less detail and structured, or maybe more detail and more structured. Play around with it. You’ll be surprised how much easier your day goes. H and how much more you’ll actually get done with a morning routine in place. I hope I was able to help & give yall all some ideas. Until next time yall.

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