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My New Years Resolutions

Okay, y’all it’s that time of year again. When everybody and their daddy is going start with that “new year new me” bull. Guess what? I’m on that same tip LOL, I’m so here for it I can't lie y’all! I like many people this time of year can’t really help it, honestly. It’s something about the new year that makes you really want to hit the reset button on life. Having a fresh start is always in the air right after the holidays. Even if you don’t make resolutions necessarily I think just about everyone kinda just sits back and recaps and evaluates the past year. I think we all kinda just play out all the good & bad times in our heads. Of course, all the significant things that happen will naturally stand out in your memory. For me, all of my shortcomings stand out the most. All my mistakes. All the things I wish I could somehow change, take back or handled differently. It's not as negative as it may sound y’all. In fact, to be completely honest it helps me. By admitting what I’ve done wrong or admitting to the things I want to change it allows me a really zoned in on what I would like to change or do differently. After I figure out what these issues or problems are I set a plan in motion. The first step in that plan is always my resolutions.

Last year I really wanted to become a better wife & partner. That was a major problem in my life. I admitted and faced things I wanted to change in my behavior when it came to my marriage. I feel very confident in my “wifey” skills to date and I really feel like it’s because I hit the ground running in the beginning of the year. I didn’t waste any time. This go around I’m really going to focus on me. More so my wellness. This year I really got hit with some pretty serious health scares and it really made me sit back and really think about how I take care of myself. More importantly how I don’t take care of myself. I haven't done the best of jobs in this area for a while now. So, this year it’s literally gonna be about me my spiritual, mental, and physical wellness. Here are my resolutions:

Hair Care

So, I have been a natural girl for a while now. Its been a bumpy road, to say the least. The first year was a flat out fail to be honest. My hair was truly unhealthy which is completely ironic as it being unhealthy was the main reason why I wanted to go natural in the first place. Go figure right. But I honestly didn’t know how to care for natural hair. Its honestly more upkeep then treated hair which I did not realize beforehand. I did some research and read about some techniques and started to use and implement what I learned in my hair. Things went pretty well for the most part. Like I said it’s a lot of upkeep and to keep it all the way one hundred with y’all, I simply got lazy. I didn’t stick to my hair acre treatments. Half the time I didn’t even wrap it at night. Not this year. In fact, the whole month of December I drove into how to care for natural hair. From what natural oils work best with your hair, deep conditioning & detangling technique and products, protective hairstyles, trimming and how to protect your hair when you sleep and work out. I wanted to gain & absorb as much knowledge as I could some come January I could just jump all in with no hesitation! I’m not really after hair growth in the sense of length, but if that happens I’m here for it! I’m more so looking for thickness & getting my hair healthy.

Skin Care

So, I know black don’t really crack BUT if you don’t take care of it, it will start to look funny. I don’t have any major skincare issues however I do want to start taking better care of it especially since I’m getting older. I don’t want it to become a problem if that makes sense. Besides washing my face & taking a bath I’m pretty much on level one when it comes to skincare. I also have no kind of routine or regiment. Also, I’m not just referring to my face. I’m speaking about overall skincare. I haven’t researched a lot about this with the exception of natural oils for skin. Also, I’m not a big “water drinker”. Don’t roll your eyes LOL. I know I know. I drink water just not as much as I should. I know correcting this will naturally help better my overall skin. This is smoothing I’m probably going to get more into in February as buying all the supplies and things I need for my hair is going to cost me. When I get into something I really go hard and I’m pretty sure I’ll have to spend some coin on products. So, its in the works.

Being More Active

This I major for me. This is also the resolutions that scare me the most. I HATE with a passion working out. I can wholeheartedly admit I’m as pricey as they come. I don’t like to be too hot or cold. I hate sweating with a passion. I don’t even like being around people that are sweating. So, this resolution is going to be the most challenging for me to say the very least. With that being said they this the one I’m going the hardest at. Since I know it’s one that honestly, I would do anything to get out of, it’s the one I have to focus on the most. I’ve already taken my first steps. I bought some, not all but some workout gear. Most importantly I have joined a gym. Yes, all a gym can you believe it. The plan is to work out two to three times a week. I say two to three times a week because I don’t want to overwhelm myself or burn myself out. I’ll be taking a Zumba class as well as alternating between a yoga & pilates class. The semi third day at the gym I’ll just hit the machines. I will also still continue to walk as I have been doing Monday – Friday in order to do something active. I’m not looking for weight loss, again if that happens I’m totally okay with that. My goal is just to stay active & fit.

Headache/Migraine & Moods

Headaches & or Migraines have been an ongoing issues for me. Ever since I was a teenager. Now part of this comes with anxiety and I realize that. Sometimes when I have an anxiety attack it just comes along with a headache they sometimes go hand and hand. But I do get headaches & migraines out of the blue or like no reason at all. I want to start tracking them to see if I can figure out any rhyme or reason as to why they are happening why they are occurring. I’m not sure if its poor diet, lack of sleep stress, or what it is? Piggybacking off that I’m going to start tracking my mood. Both of these things really affect my mental health and although they are not a major issue’s I want to have it well under control.

Strengthening My Relationship With God

Now, this is an area of my left that will be something I continue to work on as I feel you can never be too close to God. This is something I will always work on and try to get better and better at it. Again, this is something I started to do a few times and I just fell off being lazy. I want to start back reading my daily devotions every morning something I use to really enjoy doing. It would kinda step my day off to a really good start. I want to start reading my bible more. I really want to get back into bible study.

Starting a Wellness Journal/ Planner

I think this is the most important resolution in my opinion. If you have been following my blog and or my YouTube Channel (click here ) you know I’m a planner. I have to write things out and visual look at it in order to fully digest it. That’s how I best to process things. That how I collect data and information in order to better myself. I’m not sure why I haven’t thought of this or did this sooner but I know it’s going to be essential for me in order to stay focused and on track with my resolutions & goals. I’ve already ordered the bulk of the supplies I’ll need for a journal/planner. I honestly hyped to put it together.

Well, there you have it folks my New Year resolution in a nutshell. I’m determined to have a repeat of last year in the sense that I was to be able to say I stayed focus, stay the course and accomplished all these things. Well, see . . . Until next time guys!

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